Meet Elizabeth The creative mind behind Poppy Locks
I have been on every diet from Atkins and Paleo, to South Beach, counting calories, starving, restricting, MISERABLE. Several years ago I was running 50-60 miles a week, lifting in the gym 5-6 days a week, and eating 1300 calories a day. Over the course of 8 months I ran my body into the ground and gained 20lbs. I went to my doctor and asked him to run every test he could think of because I knew I should not be GAINING weight with as much activity as I was involved in. After every test came back normal he sat down across from me and said he had no real explanation as to why I was gaining and he suggested I continue to drop calories until my body "wised up" and responded. I was fat, sick, worn out and heartbroken and decided I needed to find a better solution on my own. I knew there must be a better way. I began doing my own research and came across Layne Norton's (biolayne) name and the idea of dividing our calories into specific macro nutrients. I binge watched his YouTube videos, devouring information about how carbs, fat and protein affect our body, how our metabolism adapts over long periods of calorie restriction, how excessive cardio does more damage than good. It was like he was speaking directly to me. I started trying to figure my numbers on my own but after being unsuccessful at losing any fat I hired a coach. She started me on a fat loss plan and after 8 weeks of losing nothing she suggested I reverse for a time to give my body a rest. This concept was new to me and it was hard to wrap my mind around slowly eating MORE food, doing less exercise (cardio) and focusing on not gaining weight as opposed to the ever present mindset of needing to lose fat. I reverse dieted for 6 months and went from eating 1350 a day to over 2250 a day. In that time I lost 1% bodyfat and gained 6lbs of lean muscle mass. This was it...I knew this wasn't something magical and it would take real effort but it was understandable and could set up anybody for long term, sustainable fat loss. I still had 20lbs to lose and over the course of several reverses and cuts (fat loss) I was able to shed that fat, never bottoming out calorie wise and gained muscle, respect and understanding of how and why counting macros works. In August 2015 I had the opportunity to work with directly Layne Norton during a training and nutrition seminar in Dallas. I was able to personally thank him for opening my eyes to a truly sustainable, permanent fat loss plan and giving me a new outlook on food, lifting and life.
Following macros doesn't require following a strict meal plan or for anyone to eat certain foods Grilled chicken may be better for you than a hamburger but if you have the carbs, fat and protein to eat a hamburger you have the freedom to do so without guilt.
I am a certified nutrition coach and personal trainer with over five years of experience writing macro plans as well as workout programs for over 8,000 women worldwide. I gained over 70lbs with each of my pregnancies and fought the fight of baby fat for years. I know what it feels like to work my ass off day in and day out and not see results. I know what it's like to starve in hopes of seeing the scale move just one pound and I understand the feeling of defeat when that doesn't happen.
I am thankful you are here…whether you accidentally stumbled across this page or you intentionally have come looking for another way I believe everything happens for a reason. I wish you the greatest success on your journey to freedom and a life where you can finally “Eat in Peace”.